Harga Mobil Opel Blazer

Harga Mobil Opel Blazer here is the average price of the Big City Like: Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, Makassar, Denpasar from various stores and authorized Dealers.

Opel Blazer Spesification detail

Info, Specs, Specifications And Review of Price New Used Second

Opel Blazer DOHC 1997 – 2003 40 – 70
Opel Blazer DOHC LT 1997 – 2002 45 – 75
Opel Blazer Montera 2000 – 2003 54 – 66
Opel Blazer Montera LS 2000 – 2002 58 – 64

Information Summary
Opel Blazer is a tough car, its basic design is a truck. Clutch pedal a little hard as the truck characters. The Chassis Weight is 2 tons. Opel Blazer has thick plate body, naturally 1:7 the fuel consumption in the city with 2200 cc, has enough features to protect passengers safety therein.

Opel Blazer Produced around 1996 with two variants of the DOHC and SOHC engines, car maintenance is actually very easy and had enough spare part guaranteed. About spare parts price, try comparing it with genuine parts of other vehicles.

During vehicle maintenance is done by people who are experts with the Opel Blazer no need to fear the vehicle will be fussy. Driving comfortable, nimble maneuvers, strong in climbing road, make the driver and passengers when in long trip not tired.