Harga Mobil Mercedes Benz C Class

Harga Mobil Mercedes Benz C-Class here is the average price of the Big City Like: Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, Makassar, Denpasar from various stores and authorized Dealers.

Mercedes Benz C-Class Spesification detail

Info, Specs, Specifications And Review of Price New Used Second

C 200 K Avantgarde 599.000.000
C 200 K Classic 529.000.000
C 280 Avantgarde 719.000.000
C 280 Elegance 659.000.000

Information Summary
Mercedes Benz C-Class dominates the premium compact car segment with sales of 865 units, or 57 percent market share. Among the 865 C-Class units sold, the 66 units including the W204 which began marketed since July 2007.

White color is the color of the year 2008 is expected to lift sales of the Mercedes Benz C-Class W204 among the young, who became the main target. With the new design is more sporty and improved engine performance and agility, it’s C-Class will be hard matched.

Along with the C200 K Classic, also Mercedes Benz C-Class marketed variant C200 and C230 K Avantgarde V6 Elegance, Avantgarde, and AMG. All are imported as completely knocked-down (CKD) and assembled in the country.