Harga Mobil KIA Pregio

Harga Mobil KIA Pregio here is the average price of the Big City Like: Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, Makassar, Denpasar from various stores and authorized Dealers.

KIA Pregio Spesification detail

Info, Specs, Specifications And Review of Price New Used Second

Pregio Diesel M/T 2002 – 2004 90 – 100
Pregio Lohan 2005 – 2006 100 – 115

Information Summary
KIA Pregio is a car that has become an idol for companies such as Hospitals, Hotels, Corporate Aviation, and Transport. KIA Pregio mini-van type car which was first launched by PT KMI in 2001 is now was born again.

KIA Pregio indeed for the current product does not have a very significant difference. Just maybe there is a change in the front, with the occurrence ventilation holes. This car has a seating capacity of 12.

Besides Pregio, PT KIA Indonesia also offers a variant of the microbus, KIA Travello. This Microbus is also has a capacity of 12 seats and the shape slightly larger when compared with KIA Pregio Van Variant.